
Our Forest, Our Heritage

Dear Environmental Gurus,

What story are you willing to tell in your future? In a world filled with climate anxiety, our feelings, uncertainties, and loss of control are sometimes considered void. It’s easy to feel helpless, but it’s not okay not to care. Growing up as a child, traditional medication was the best cure for minor aches, illnesses, and mental health issues plaguing our communities currently. If not for biodiversity health’s sake, at least let’s do it for humanity. Forest inhabitants deserve shelter that man destroys and exploits without remedy for future generations to come. Here’s a brief account of my journey as a climate justice activist.

Did you know? Every time we open social media, more than half of the world is connected. Television news is bombarded by environmental disasters and our forests are menaced by wildfires, drought, pollution, and invasive species.

Oh, I remember! Growing up in the Grassfields area of Cameroon, in the beautiful, spacious, and evergreen vegetation along the Donga Mantung Plateau, was the best experience of my life. Indigenous people and local communities knew how to deal with hunger, illnesses, and when to plant agricultural products. All this was possible due to the presence of our forest, but today I bleed because these features are fading away.

But here’s the catch: I do remember the forest was the only rich heritage we had. From one generation to the other, they acknowledged its health, food, and security benefits; even the animals rely on it for livelihood. Sadly, I lack words to further explain what we have done and where we have fallen today.

The World Day of Forest brings a lot of nostalgic feelings to many Africans, and I hope even you reading this. Please pause for a minute and reflect deeply. Ask yourself the question: “What have we done to our forest & environment?”

Our actions matter, and we should avoid being eco-paralytic. We do not need a diploma to act. What I do is support organizations working for forest conservation, sensitize my communities on eco-friendly methods, or plant more trees locally.

Even when centuries pass, our works will be remembered. You really just need to care. So, I’m starting with the person in the mirror—that’s you. And as Theodore Roosevelt said, “Nobody cares how much you know until they know how much you care.”

So, do we really care? 


Earth Matters: Why We Need to Take Action Against Climate Change

Pollution, climate change, and injustices are all pressing issues that our planet faces today. These problems not only affect the environment but also have severe consequences for human health and well-being. As inhabitants of this planet, it is our responsibility to take action and address these challenges before it’s too late.

The Earth is a beautiful and diverse planet that has been home to millions of species for billions of years. However, in the recent past, human activities have caused significant damage to the environment. The constant exploitation of natural resources, excessive use of fossil fuels, and improper waste management have all contributed to pollution and climate change.

Pollution is the contamination of our air, water, and soil by harmful substances. It comes in various forms, from plastic waste littering our oceans to toxic chemicals released from factories and vehicles. The impact of pollution is widespread, affecting not only the environment but also human health. The World Health Organization estimates that around 7 million people die prematurely each year due to air pollution alone.

Climate change, on the other hand, refers to the long-term changes in temperature, weather patterns, and sea levels caused by greenhouse gas emissions. The burning of fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and gas releases these gases into the atmosphere, trapping heat and causing the Earth’s temperature to rise. This increase in temperature leads to extreme weather events like hurricanes, droughts, and floods, disrupting ecosystems and endangering human lives.

In addition to pollution and climate change, there are also numerous injustices happening on our planet. These injustices include environmental racism, where marginalized communities are disproportionately affected by pollution and environmental hazards due to their socioeconomic status. There is also the issue of environmental colonialism, where developed countries exploit the resources of developing countries without considering the impact on their environment or the well-being of the local communities.

So why does Earth matter? The answer is simple: because our planet is our only home, and we need to take care of it for ourselves and future generations. We cannot continue to ignore the consequences of our actions and turn a blind eye to the damage being done to our environment. We must take action now to address these issues and make a positive impact on our planet.

Taking action against pollution, climate change, and injustices on our planet may seem like a daunting task, but there are many ways that we can all contribute to making a difference. Here are some simple steps that we can take:

1. Reduce, reuse, recycle: The first step towards reducing pollution is to reduce the amount of waste we produce. By practicing the 3Rs – reduce, reuse, recycle – we can decrease the amount of garbage that ends up in landfills and pollutes our environment.

2. Conserve energy: We can all play a part in reducing our carbon footprint by conserving energy. This includes turning off lights and electronics when not in use, using public transportation or carpooling, and opting for renewable energy sources like solar or wind power.

3. Support sustainable practices: When making purchases, choose products from companies that prioritize sustainability and ethical practices. This will help reduce the demand for products that harm the environment and support businesses that are actively trying to make a positive impact.

4. Educate yourself and others: Knowledge is power, and by educating ourselves and others about pollution, climate change, and injustices on our planet, we can raise awareness and inspire action.

5. Advocate for change: Use your voice to speak up for the environment. Write to your local representatives or participate in peaceful protests to demand action against pollution and climate change. By coming together as a community, we can make a stronger impact.

It’s not just individuals who need to take action; governments and corporations also have a crucial role to play in protecting our planet. We need policies and regulations that promote sustainable practices, reduce emissions, and hold polluters accountable for their actions. We also need corporations to take responsibility for their impact on the environment and work towards more sustainable and ethical practices.

We are already seeing the effects of our actions on our planet. The rise in global temperatures, the increase in extreme weather events, and the decline of biodiversity are all signs that we need to act now. If we continue on our current path, the consequences will be irreversible and devastating.

By taking action now, we can still make a positive impact on our planet. We can work towards a future where clean air, clean water, and a healthy environment are accessible to all. We can create a more equitable and just society where everyone has equal access to environmental resources and protection.

In conclusion, Earth matters because it is our home, and we have a responsibility to take care of it. Pollution, climate change, and injustices are critical issues that we cannot afford to ignore any longer. It’s time for us to step up and make a positive change for our planet. Let’s come together, educate ourselves and others, and take action towards a more sustainable and just future for all. Our Earth matters; let’s make sure we treat it that way.

By DA CONCESAO CUMAIO also known as (jaysteeze thelazy.poet)

All photos belong to Ubuntu Hub, taken during their Earth Week 2024 activities


Planet vs Plastics: Earth Day 2024

Why do we need to talk about plastics?

Plastics pervades our existence! From habitats to bodies, driven by profit, disproportionately impacting poor nations through waste colonialism. Plastic production is in fact a human rights violation since the people and the most marginalized communities who have contributed the least to the escalating planetary crisis are affected the most.

Did you know that over 99% of plastics are made of fossil fuels? Petrochemical companies promote plastics as cheap, but their true cost includes biodiversity loss, human health risks, and climate impact.

The United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) has started to negotiate on a legally binding plastic treaty that will include the whole life-cycle of plastic. However we demand that this treaty involves the most marginalized communities in the decision making process, to ensure that their health and safety are prioritized over plastic pollution.

So the simple answer to why we need to talk about plastic is: it can never be a part of a sustainable and just development. Companies try to greenwash by stating that plastic and planetary wellbeing can be combined – but that couldn’t be further from the truth.

We demand policies that prioritize the health and safety of communities and wellbeing of the planet and future generations over the profit of petrochemical companies.

Support the planet in the battle against plastics by signing this petition for a strong Global Plastics Treaty!

And – go out on the streets and organize yourself because we are the change!

Video created by Planet One Youth


Long-term ESC volunteering in Planet One


Join us at Planet One, a vibrant community for the global youth movement striving for climate justice. Our makerspaces foster hands-on learning and activism for a sustainable future and operate in six countries: Hungary, South Africa, Kenya, Sweden, Cameroon, and Armenia, empowering the next generation to become catalysts for change. As part of our collaborative effort between Fryshuset and Greenpeace, you can bring your own creativity and contribute to our ongoing projects, amplifying youth voices worldwide. Together, let’s shape a greener, more equitable planet!

The volunteer will be part of the global team of Planet One and will be based at Fryshuset in Stockholm, Sweden. The main responsibility will be to support with editing, graphic design and, if possible, also illustrations, both for social media content and for an online handbook that will be developed during the year.


All costs are covered by the European Solidarity Corps program, including travel costs to Stockholm, Sweden. Accommodation will be provided by Fryshuset and pocket money to cover food, local transportation, etc., will be transferred monthly to the bank account of the volunteer.


Volunteers will receive two trainings organized by the Swedish National Agency: on-arrival and mid-term training. Additional trainings organized by Planet One or Fryshuset may be available.


We are seeking a volunteer (between 18-30 years old) with a passion for climate action and a drive for change, who possesses a range of creative skills and digital expertise to contribute to our team. We prefer candidates who have: Knowledge in graphic design, particularly with Adobe programs such as Photoshop and InDesign Experience of making illustrations Experience of video and photo editing If possible, knowledge of WordPress Additionally, familiarity with social media platforms such as YouTube and TikTok would be advantageous. You are encouraged to submit a portfolio.


 A total of 52 week(s) during the period 22/04/2024 to 21/04/2025


 Mårtensdalsgatan 6, 120 30 Stockholm Sweden


Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Greece, Spain, Finland, France, Croatia, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Latvia, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, Slovenia, Slovakia


 Citizenship and democratic participation

 Environment and natural protection

 Creativity and culture


 Application deadline: 22/04/2024



MAKE SMTHNG: A Tool to Achieve Zero Waste

Each generation has the duty to take positive action to address existing challenges. Mother Earth is suffering from biodiversity loss, plastic pollution, air and water pollution, soil degradation, deforestation, as well as an increased production of waste. Unfortunately, not everyone across the globe faces these problems equally. Among the sustainable proposed solutions, MAKE SMTHNG emerges as a tool to achieve Zero Waste. However, can MAKE SMTHNG work effectively for developing countries?

Mboa Hub with its team during Make SMTHNG Week in November, 2023

MAKE SMTHNG is a worldwide festival where everyone, everywhere repairs, shares, and reuses instead of consuming, as a way to counteract hyper-consumerism. It aims to develop creativity, empower people to reuse more, and encourage conscious consumption. The ultimate idea here is to promote financial stability for those who are extravagant buyers.

In a developing country like Cameroon, few people can afford the luxury of excessive consumption. At this level, MAKE SMTHNG may not seem relevant. However, if the focus is shifted to specific types of waste, such as plastic or organic waste, then MAKE SMTHNG will take on its full meaning, especially as a tool to achieve Zero Waste.

This is exactly what happened at the University of Yaoundé 2- Soa years ago, where I discovered MAKE SMTHNG for the first time under the auspices of Planet One. Together with Greenpeace Africa volunteers, we celebrated MAKE SMTHNG WEEK. Young students and volunteers expressed their innovative skills by creating flower jars, jewelry, drums, decorative arts, and many others. Inspired by this experience, I decided to share these innovative activities with secondary school students through the organization of an inter-school competition, where winners were awarded prizes.

For the celebration of International Zero Waste 2024, I intend to draw inspiration from MAKE SMTHNG tactics to reduce waste production in my community and in Cameroon as a whole, through innovation and education.

Written by Mache Dolorès, Mboa Hub, Yaoundé, Cameroon


Rising to the Challenge: Women Leading the Fight for Climate Justice

On this International Women’s Day, as we celebrate the achievements and resilience of women worldwide, it is crucial to acknowledge the disproportionate impact of climate change on women and the vital role they play in the fight for climate justice. From the frontlines of environmental degradation to the halls of policymaking, women are leading the charge for a more sustainable and equitable future for all.

Young women of Mboa Hub (our Cameroonian makerspace) during Make SMTHNG Week in Yaoundé, 2023

Think about it: when floods come or crops fail, who’s left picking up the broken pieces? Often, it’s women, juggling the weight of their families’ survival on their shoulders. Women bear the brunt of the effects of climate change, facing increased risks of displacement, food insecurity, and adverse health outcomes. In many communities, women are responsible for securing water, food, and fuel for their families, making them particularly vulnerable to shifts in weather patterns and natural disasters. Moreover, gender inequalities limit women’s access to resources and decision-making power, further exacerbating their vulnerability to climate impacts.

Staff and participant at Bolygó (our Hungarian makerspace) during the re-opening in Budapest, 2023

Empowering women isn’t just the right thing to do—it’s the smart thing to do. It’s a strategic imperative in the fight against climate change. Studies have shown that when women are involved in decision-making processes and have access to resources, they are more likely to prioritize sustainable practices and resilience-building measures. By empowering women to participate fully in climate action, we can unlock their potential as agents of change and accelerate progress towards a more sustainable future.

Macramet workshop with the young girls and members of Alternative (our Armenian makerspace), Yerevan, 2023

At Planet One, we are committed to empowering young women in the fight for climate justice. Through our programs and initiatives, we provide them with the tools, resources, and support they need to become effective leaders and advocates for the environment. From training programs that build technical skills to advocacy campaigns that amplify their voices, we are working to ensure that they have a seat at the table in the global conversation on climate change.

Make SMTHNG Week at Ubunifu Hub (our Kenyan makerspace) in Nairobi, 2023

Our commitment to empowering young women goes beyond our programs and initiatives. It is ingrained in the fabric of our organization, from the leadership team to the local coordinators working on the ground. We celebrate the women who drive our mission forward, from the dedicated women in the global team who play a vital role in shaping our organization’s vision and impact to the passionate local coordinators and youth leads raising awareness in their communities.

The young South African activist at the Ubuntu Hub, our makerspace in Johannesburg, 2023

Reflecting on their impact, Rose Muganda, the local coordinator in Nairobi’s Ubunifu Hub, said, “I would like to extend a special appreciation to our team of young women climate trainers/facilitators in our maker spaces, for guiding and inspiring their peers on the intersection of gender and climate action. Your leadership lights the way for others, proving that mentorship and collaboration are building blocks of an inclusive and sustainable future. Thank you for being role models and catalysts for positive change.”

Rose Muganda, The Local Coordinator of Ubunifu Hub, our Kenyan makerspace in Nairobi, 2023

In addition to our efforts, we also recognize and celebrate the contributions of women climate activists around the world. In Europe, one name that stands out is Greta Thunberg. At just 18 years old, Greta has become a global icon of climate activism, sparking a worldwide movement with her passionate calls for urgent action to address the climate crisis. Greta is not alone. Take Vanessa Nakate, a Ugandan climate activist who, through her organization, the Rise Up Movement, is empowering young people to take action on climate change and advocating for the voices of marginalized communities to be heard in global climate negotiations.

Greta Thunberg during Fridays for Future march, 2023

Perhaps most inspiring are the young female climate activists in our maker spaces who are leading the charge for a better future. Through Planet One, we have had the privilege of working with countless young women who are passionate about making a difference in their communities and beyond. From organizing climate strikes to advocating for policy change, these young women are the driving force behind our collective efforts to combat climate change and create a more just and sustainable world.

“I feel climate justice is strongly connected to womens’ rights and every other discrimination existing in our world. Since everybody wants to reach their goal alone, it’s easy to see others as enemies. But after you realize you can only work together for the better, you will find other unique creatures as well. And after that things like the gender or color of your skin is not going to count.”, says Lili Szabó,  one of the regular attendees at the Hungarian Planet One makerspace in Budapest, Bolygó.

“As a female activist, Mboa Hub has been supportive in facilitating the networking with other female activists in Cameroon. The climate crisis affects women drastically and it is important to highlight their perspective especially on how they cope with the crisis”, says Dolorès Mache, the youth team lead of Mboa Hub in Cameroon.

Sofia Gustafsson, the Project Manager of Planet One in Nairobi, Kenya, 2023

Sofia Gustafsson, the Planet One global project manager, expressed, “I firmly believe in the power of young women to drive meaningful change in our world. It’s a privilege to witness the incredible impact and initiatives that have blossomed within our maker spaces. Seeing the passion and dedication of these young women inspires me every day. I’m excited to see even more young women join the movement and continue to lead us toward a brighter, more sustainable future.”

Anna Olinhejn, Youth Team Lead of Momentum, our Swedish makerspace in Stockholm, 2023

As we celebrate International Women’s Day, let us recommit ourselves to empowering women in the fight for climate justice. Together, we can harness the power of women’s leadership to confront the climate crisis and build a brighter future for generations to come.

Sherie Gakii, Planet One




Climate change is the most defining issue of our time. It is close to impossible to say that an individual exists without having faced the impacts of climate change, whether directly or indirectly. One of the unseen impacts it has come with has been on our mental health. Climate change is here with us and is here to stay for a very long time. Unfortunately, it is not something that we can also just wish away. This also means that its spill-over effects might also be longer and even keep recurring.

The climate crisis has forced most of us to come face to face with our fears, the most prevailing ones being the fear of the unknown and chronophobia: the fear of the future. More young people are quickly trapped in the cycle of trying to find solutions for the climate crisis and the mental exhaustion that it comes with. The ones who are not in denial, live in a state of ecophobia, and feel too helpless to even do anything.

Additionally, local communities that have lost their livelihoods, heritage, and culture have to deal with the feeling of irreversible loss. As they stare into the blankness of an uncertain future, they wallow in solastalgia: the feeling of loss when communities are faced with great loss due to climate change. All they can do is reminisce about how the world was and imagine how it would have been. For them, the climate crisis becomes more of an issue of survival.

In African society, mental health was rarely spoken of, with only extreme visible forms of it like madness considered as such. Luckily, it is now a conversation in public spaces, and it is getting the attention it should. This has opened up spaces for people to raise their voices and find solutions through story sharing, movement building, and being part of meaningful movements.

There are many ways to deal with climate anxiety, but the most effective one still remains connecting with nature. Nature still shapes our lives even in the middle of a technological revolution. And yet, our answers in the green spaces are slowly shrinking. This calls us to action: to act in our small way to save the planet. We fix the climate, we fix us.

By Barbra Kangwana, Youth Team Lead, Ubunifu Hub


Ida’s Environmental Law Journey with Aurora and Momentum

When Ida first stepped into Momentum, she was taken aback by the space’s beauty and warmth. It resembled a cozy living room, tailored for climate activists. On one wall, her friend Smilla, an artist and fellow member of Aurora, had painted a map adorned with various people holding signs and messages. It felt like a declaration: “This is a space for climate activists plotting to transform the world.” Momentum became a second home for both Aurora and Ida.

Her introduction to Momentum came through their generous offer to let Aurora utilize their rooms for meetings and events. This support was instrumental in organizing banner workshops, board meetings, and celebratory events. Furthermore, Momentum provided a hub for interaction with other young climate movements and activists, fostering solidarity and creating a rare safe space in Stockholm.

Ida’s involvement with Aurora began with her passion for nature, which evolved into a drive to combat the looming climate crisis. She found inspiration in the Urgenda case, where citizens sued their government over inadequate action against global warming. This led to the formation of Auroramålet, a youth-led organization that initiated Sweden’s first systematic climate case against the government. In Aurora, Ida serves as both spokesperson and scientific coordinator, deeply engaged in the organization’s legal efforts.

Aurora’s landmark lawsuit against the Swedish government on November 25, 2022, marked a pivotal moment. The atmosphere buzzed with anticipation at Mynttorget, where the demonstration commenced. Amidst the crowd and media frenzy, Ida hurried from an interview with Sweden’s prominent public broadcasting service. The march’s destination was Nacka tingsrätt, where the lawsuit would be filed. As they arrived, the board members delivered a powerful speech, signaling the beginning of a significant legal battle.

While Aurora awaits the highest court’s response, Ida remains driven by a mix of rage and love. She sees the exploitation of ecosystems, humans, plants, and animals as a grave threat, yet finds hope in the life worth protecting. Her advice to those considering engagement with Momentum or the fight for climate justice is simple: “Join! Civic engagement is not only crucial for the planet’s future but can also be enjoyable.”

As Ida leaves Momentum, she smiles, grabbing a banner collectively designed by the group. For her, this is just the beginning of a journey. Having graduated as a lawyer, she looks forward to dedicating her life to environmental issues and justice. Her ambition extends to creating a global climate litigation network, uniting countries and youth movements in holding governments accountable for their inaction.

Ida’s story resonates globally, showcasing how dedication and legal activism can pave the way for a more just and sustainable world.

Story provided by Momentum, Stockholm, Sweden


We all agree that we need to act – what is stopping us?

When it comes to our ancestors, everyday was a battle and when you could stock up on supplies, you did. In the battle for survival the scarcity mindset was a driving force, which is something I believe led to a greater appreciation of what you had.

Unfortunately in today’s society, that isn’t the case. In so many societies of LAPA (Least Affected population areas) all we see is abundance. We are fooled by the size of the inventory stocks, and our brain think that this must be a never ending supply of whatever we need, whenever we need it. However, that is not the case. Ever since researchers could map out how brains work, we have been vulnerable to implicit marketing techniques and underlying messages. This would not be a problem if the human brain developed as fast as society at large. Unfortunately, it doesn’t, and evolution is slow, leaving us exposed to companies that want to speak to our subconscious and automated part of the brain. Planting seeds that spark our desire for consumption and the feeling of being incomplete.

I can’t help but to wonder what a world without all of these implicit messages would look like. Would it strengthen our connection to ourselves? Would it strengthen our connection to one another? Would it leave us feeling empowered or would it leave us feeling empty? What would we have in our brains if nobody was trying to fill it up with information? I would like to believe that we would have more peace.

In a world where money rules, that reality unfortunately seems far away. Establishing and maintaining conflict is literally the livelihood of some companies, whether it is fooling someone into believing they are not beautiful or starting wars and providing weapons to both sides.

So how are we going to change a system that benefits from destruction? How are we going to change a system into a better one, when powerful actors take advantage of the outdated machinery of our brains to keep the status quo?

To be honest, when you go over the math of what needs to happen, it almost feels impossible.

It feels like the only way for people to take action is if they can actually see the threat. Our eyesight has developed to be our most trusted sense and crazy enough, maybe that’s what we need to see. An external existential threat to humanity. Because If we don’t, our feelings of indifference will be the end of us.

To turn this development, everyone needs to engage. Especially people in LAPA because that’s where a big part of the huge consumption demand comes from. I believe we need to understand our place in this world and respect it. I believe we need a new system that respects our mortality and tenders our wish for inner peace. A practice many of us in LAPA since long have forgotten. Because buried in “modern society” of our world, lies the worshiping of the sun and the earth. The two celestial bodies sustaining all life as we know it. And we need to practice not extracting more than the earth can withstand. I believe this is the knowledge of living in harmony with the earth. The knowledge of being a human.

For all of our sakes, I hope we make some big changes. That we connect to the earth again before it’s too late. That we make some of our old ways our new age, and that we find our way back. Back to you, back to me, and back to us.

With love, your fellow human Eric


MAKE SMTHNG Week: A Global Celebration of Sustainability at Planet One Makerspaces

In a world saturated with consumerism and a growing environmental consciousness, MAKE SMTHNG Week emerged as a transformative force. This annual international festival, passionately embraced by the Planet One makerspaces, seized the spotlight amid the whirlwind of Black Friday and the onset of the Christmas shopping season. It wasn’t merely a series of events; MAKE SMTHNG Week unfolded as a global movement celebrating creativity, challenging consumerism, and championing a sustainable future. 

As we draw the curtains on a week brimming with creativity, collaboration, and conscious consumption, we reflect on the inspiring events that transpired across the Planet One makerspaces. From empowering workshops to innovative projects, the week became a celebration of sustainability, craftsmanship, and community. 

In this harmonious blend of creativity and commitment, MAKE SMTHNG Week united communities worldwide, spotlighting diverse initiatives that took place at different Planet One makerspaces. This global celebration against consumerism illustrates the collective effort to challenge the norm and forge a path toward sustainable living.

At Bolygó, the week commenced with a pre-event that set the tone for the days ahead. Crafting instruments and a lively jamming session created a vibrant atmosphere, drawing in a community of individuals who returned eagerly for the subsequent events. The week progressed with crafting sessions and musical collaborations, turning Bolygó into a small, tightly-knit community where 70 participants joined the pre-event, with 10-15 enthusiasts attending each subsequent activity.

Make SMTHNG Week at Bolygó
Make SMTHNG Week at Bolygó

Across the globe at Ubuntu Hub, the ambition soared high. The community expressed a desire for quarterly MAKE SMTHNG Weeks, emphasizing a commitment to sustained creativity and conscious living. Over four days, participants engaged in activities such as mural and canvas painting, upcycling projects, and the innovative transformation of old tires into unique furniture pieces. Ubuntu Hub became a haven for artistic expression and sustainable craftsmanship.

Make SMTHNG Week at Ubuntu Hub
Make SMTHNG Week at Ubuntu Hub

In the spirit of diversity, Alternative Youth Space planned four distinct activities, each attracting 15-20 participants. From workshops with local school youths focusing on nature and the environment to sessions on making pots, renovating clothes, and crafting pencil purses, the hub embraced a holistic approach to sustainable living. Inviting artists and experienced individuals for the workshops added depth to the engagement, culminating in a powerful lesson on the fashion industry and greenwashing.

Make SMTHNG Week at Alternative

Mboa Hub showcased the strength of collaboration by organizing MAKE SMTHNG Week in partnership with local youth groups. An online challenge prompted participants to create new items from old materials, including making furniture from old tyres. The Plastic Day event saw 70 youths contributing to the creation of innovative pieces, ranging from Christmas decorations to artworks. The hub also hosted an art and clothes swapping event, where the materials for drawing were sourced from old clothes, emphasizing the creative potential of sustainable practices. The closing ceremony brought together the participants, presenting a culmination of the week’s collective efforts.

Ubunifu Hub harnessed the experience of past facilitators at their exhibition dubbed ‘Green Friday’, attracting a substantial crowd of about 200 participants. The hub explored urban farming, DIY projects with diverse materials, and a clothing swap. By inviting back previous facilitators for an exhibition, Ubunifu was a hub of inspiration, showcasing the transformative power of sustainable creativity.

Make SMTHNG Week at Ubunifu Hub

Momentum embodied the heart of Make SMTHNG Week by hosting a series of hands-on workshops and skill-sharing sessions that brought young people together. From upcycling old materials into functional art to learning about zero-waste living, participants gained practical knowledge and developed new skills that could be applied in their daily lives. The workshops were not only educational but also fostered a sense of community, with participants exchanging ideas and experiences.

Make SMTHNG Week at Momentum

Key Takeaways:

1. Empowerment Through Education: MakeSmthng Week showcased the transformative power of education in fostering sustainable practices, equipping participants with valuable knowledge and practical skills.

2. Community Building and Global Unity: The week not only fostered a strong sense of community among local participants but also established a global unity against mindless consumption, demonstrating the strength of collective action.

3. Tangible Impact and Simultaneous Skill-building: From individual lifestyle changes to community-wide projects, MakeSmthng Week highlighted the tangible impact of small actions. Simultaneously conducted workshops and skill-sharing sessions across hubs facilitated a global exchange of ideas and practical knowledge.

4. Diversity in Sustainability: The showcase of creations underscored the diversity of sustainable alternatives, emphasizing that the movement transcends cultural and geographical boundaries.

5. Community Impact on a Global Scale: Community impact projects undertaken in various hubs demonstrated that the collective effort to address sustainability issues extends beyond borders, contributing to a global movement for positive change.

As MAKE SMTHNG Week at Planet One makerspaces wraps up, the embers of the Green Rebellion continue to burn bright. The week may be over, but the impact, the skills learned, and the community forged will endure, inspiring a lasting commitment to a more sustainable way of life. Until the next MAKE SMTHNG Week, let’s keep creating, challenging, and making a difference.