

Every Tuesday in July, a special event unfolds across the breathtaking archipelago near Stockholm. Young people from all over the region come together, united by a shared mission: to protect and preserve the stunning coastal landscapes by picking up trash. This inspiring initiative, supported by the European Union, highlights the importance of environmental and community involvement.

COASTBUSTERS is an EU-funded Solidarity Project and is run by ESC (European Solidarity Corps) volunteers from Fryshuset: Ksusha, Helen, Ignasi, and Danyil.

The initiative aims to tackle the growing issue of coastal pollution, which threatens the beauty and biodiversity of the islands. Each week, volunteers gather at a different location within the archipelago to clean up litter that washes up on the shores. The goal is not only to remove waste but also to raise awareness about the impact of pollution on marine life.

“We wanted to combine our interests and, of course, do something beneficial for both people and the environment. Since we are staying in Stockholm for a year, we also wanted to see more of Sweden and explore its nature,” shares Ksusha, a volunteer from Ukraine.

The day began with a brief orientation session, where volunteers received instructions and safety guidelines. The cleanup activities typically last a few hours, followed by time for refreshments, socializing, and discussing differences in our native languages. After all, we were a group of people from Ukraine, Spain, Italy, Germany, Poland, and Sweden!

Reflecting on the day, one of the participants, Asher from Italy, shared: “It’s really cool to take care of our coast and a nice way to interact with international team, here in Fryshuset. It’s a really good way to get out of the city and spend a day with nature when also doing something for the environment.”

“It was great to see the archipelago and its condition. It is quite well-kept and it was nice to see that the garbage system seems to work well here,” says Alex, one of the participants.

“The main reason is to discover Stockholm and contribute to the community. Today, we observed that there isn’t much trash! Coming from other countries, for instance Spain, where we have a lot of litter on the beaches, this is notable,” explains Helen.

This activity has been an excellent opportunity to meet like-minded peers, learn about environmental conservation, contribute to a worthy cause, and spend quality time with a group of people from different countries!

If you’re inspired to organize a similar initiative in your area, visit the European Solidarity Corps official website for guidance and resources. For more details about this activity, be sure to follow Fryshuset Youth Mobility on Instagram.

Written by Zofia Cyran, an EU volunteer at Momentum


H2O Heroes: Uniting for Armenia’s Freshwater Future

In 2019, a group of passionate individuals laid the foundation for ECO Group, envisioning a community united by a shared commitment to environmental stewardship. This vision quickly evolved, and by 2020, we extended our reach beyond the confines of school walls, transforming into a dynamic youth-environmental initiative with a mission to make a tangible and positive impact on the world around us. Our goal was simple but ambitious: to foster a generation of environmentally conscious youth who are empowered to lead and inspire change.

One of our most impactful projects is the H2O Heroes Campaign, an environmental initiative dedicated to World Water Day. This campaign is the result of a powerful collaboration between ECO Group, the Alternative Youth Center, and the “Eco Group” youth-environmental NGO. Together, we aim to combat the pollution of Armenia’s freshwater resources and to raise awareness about the importance of environmental conservation.

The H2O Heroes Campaign is a testament to the power of collaboration in addressing environmental challenges. The campaign involved young activists from Vanadzor (the 3rd largest city in Armenia), aged 16-30, who participated in various stages of the project. During the first phase, participants attended capacity-building trainings on topics such as “Freshwater Pollution and Combating It in Armenia” and “How to Make Visual Creative Postcards.” These trainings equipped them with the knowledge and skills necessary to understand and address the pressing issue of freshwater pollution.

One of the highlights of the campaign was a visit to a water treatment plant. Here, participants had the opportunity to see firsthand the stages water goes through before reaching consumers. This experience was eye-opening for many, as it underscored the complexity and importance of maintaining clean water sources.

In the second phase of the project, participants put their newfound knowledge and skills to use by creating informative postcards. These postcards were designed to raise awareness about the issue of freshwater pollution and to encourage others to take action in combating this problem. The creative process was not only educational but also empowering, as participants saw their efforts materialize into tangible advocacy tools.

“This campaign gave me good friends and a deeper understanding of freshwater issues in Armenia,” says participant Angelina Yeganyan. “It motivated me to work towards a green and clean planet. The knowledge I gained and the friendships I formed are invaluable.”

Another participant, Aram, shares, “I loved this program because it taught me about our ecosystem and sustainability. I also learned to use Canva (a platform for creating viaul content with no design experience) confidently, which I can now apply in other areas of my life. This campaign was an amazing learning experience, and I’m grateful for the opportunity.”

The partnership between ECO Group and the Alternative Youth Center for the H2O Heroes Campaign highlights the importance of joint efforts in addressing environmental challenges. By bringing together diverse groups of young people, we are creating a powerful network of environmentally conscious individuals who are equipped to lead the charge in conservation efforts.

“I believe campaigns like these empower and motivate young people to tackle environmental issues creatively,” says Seryan Yenokyan, the President of ECO Group NGO. “The Alternative youth center is a vibrant space where young people can gather, play interesting board games, and brainstorm innovative initiatives. It’s a place filled with youthful, creative energy and a welcoming environment.”

Monika Chilingaryan, the Vice-president of ECO Group NGO, adds, “Alternative has so much warmth and care that you don’t want to leave. It’s a second home for many of us.”

The success of the H2O Heroes Campaign has inspired us to continue our efforts and to expand our reach. We are committed to organizing more environmental campaigns under the umbrella of “Youths4EcoCampaign.” Our aim is to tackle various environmental issues through innovative and collaborative approaches, empowering young people to be the change-makers of tomorrow.

As we look to the future, we remain dedicated to our mission of fostering a generation of environmentally conscious youth. Through continued collaboration and creative initiatives, ECO Group and the Alternative Youth Center are paving the way for a sustainable and greener future. Together, we are not only addressing today’s environmental challenges but also inspiring the leaders of tomorrow to build a better world.


Bolygó – a Community Space for Youth in Hungary

As a young person, I see and feel every day that we are surrounded by environmental problems, yet I feel that I am alone among the ecological problems that affect everyone. Every difficulty or crisis affecting nature and society can be solved together, by joint action and cooperation, and for this we need communities that explore the roots of the problems from a scientific point of view, and that are open for everyone.

I found Bolygó community space with these thoughts in my head. At Bolygó the answers to the environmental and social problems of the 21st century are sought through the discovery of the root causes of the issues. Here, with the help of recognized specialists in a wide range of sciences, you can get to understand the human-caused environmental and social problems, and with the help of the enthusiastic staff members, you can not only make conscious changes in your everyday life, but you can also act for a better future. For me, Bolygó is an ideal space for action!

I participated in a podcast production training jointly organized by Greenpeace and Bolygó. The purpose of the training was to give young people a voice in environmental protection. The podcast is an excellent genre for exploring and discussing questions and answers, and due to the informal nature of the genre it is possible to talk about an almost inexhaustible range of topics related to environmental protection. Every minute of the training was practice-oriented, and together with the other participants we solved the tasks, which weren’t really tasks, rather we worked for a common goal together, which resulted in an interview and a podcast at the end of the training.

We were able to learn from Hungary’s professionally recognized media personalities in a friendly atmosphere, learning a lot of useful tips. At Bolygó, it was easy to get to know each other and learn the theoretical and practical foundations of podcast making, because in addition to the inspiring space (chill corner and tea making), we found helpful wings with the enthusiastic people working here. I was a little nervous about what to expect about the training, but the nervousness turned into excitement right from the beginning! Joint planning and thinking, good vibes, meaningful breaks and professional technical conditions characterized the two-day training.

We even had the opportunity to express and clash opinions that are usually hidden deeper in the person, which for me was a unique experience. I think that the message and purpose of Bolygó is authentic and future oriented. I think it is one of the best places if you want to do something for the environment and your fellow humans!

Bolygó will open the door for you if you are still sitting in the room of climate anxiety! I wholeheartedly recommend the programs and courses organized by them to all young people!

Written by David Schmidt, a young member of Bolygó, Budapest Hungary


Open Getar River in Yerevan!

“I’m trying to find myself, and I realized that one of the ways to do that is to understand the place where I live and the issues it faces. Activism around issues of Getar River helped me a lot in this regard,” says Anna Karapetyan.

On April 25th, 2024, visual artist Anna-Lea Kopperi together with the members of the Alternative Youth Center held an environmental art happening titled Open Getar River!. The participants walked along the visible and invisible Getar River, inviting the residents of Yerevan to think about the importance of having a river flowing through their city and drawing their attention to the problems of pollution of the river.

Anna is one of the young people who participated in this project, contributing from organizational work to implementation. She was born and grew up in Yerevan but had not heard about Getar’s problems before. Getar, one of the two rivers flowing through Yerevan, was being polluted and litterred for decades. In the 2000s, instead of cleaning it of sewage and garbage, the government decided to close it in tunnels and cover it with asphalted streets and parking lots. The parts of the river that are still open, are badly polluted. This is an important environmental problem not only for the residents living in the areas adjacent to Getar but for all the citizens of Yerevan.

During the walking action, young people wore cloth hats in the shape of fish and held in their hands fishes made of white cloth. This symbol was chosen as a tribute to the fact that years ago the river was full of fish while now rats dominate its ecosystem. For Anna, walking in masks was the most powerful aspect of the action; it kind of emphasized that it doesn’t matter who we are – what’s important is to raise the issue.

“My parents were born in Yerevan, too, but they did not know about Getar’s issues. By participating in this project, I showed my parents what an important idea I was fighting for. I learned a lot and can better inform my friends and relatives now,” Anna notes. “Anyone living in Yerevan should know about the Getar River, as it is one of the most significant elements of our city. And we need to turn it back to a clean and openly flowing river.”

Written by Alisa Harutyunyan, a young member of Alternative Youth Center in Yerevan, Armenia


From a Photography Workshop to Exciting Professional Photography Gigs

Hi, my name is Mbali Radebe, and I consider myself a change maker, poet, content creator, radio presenter, and aspiring project manager. 

I joined Ubuntu Hub in September 2022, and the project has had a significant impact on my growth, both in my interpersonal skills and in my career. As an aspiring project manager, I had the opportunity to collaborate with innovative and brilliant minds towards a common goal. I learned more about the importance of environmental care and mutual support, experienced the power of learning by doing, and, most importantly, had the chance to bring my ideas to life.

One of the standout moments during my time at Ubuntu Hub was the photography workshop held at Braamfontein with “We Are,” featuring Lee-Roy Jason, one of South Africa’s top photographers, as one of the speakers. Following this workshop, Lee-Roy Jason welcomed me as a member of his photography team. This led to photography opportunities on major stages, capturing household names in the South African entertainment industry, and securing collaborations with renowned brands.

Another profoundly impactful event at Ubuntu Hub was “Make Something Week,” held in Braamfontein with a surprise trip to Tembisa. This week-long initiative taught me that anything is possible through collaboration, a willingness to learn and teach, and by gathering the right resources. I gained insights into upcycling and the consequences of consumerism. Being part of the team that orchestrated the entire process, from planning to execution, was an enriching experience, and our team spirit remained strong throughout.

Written by Mbali Radebe


Harnessing Youth Innovation at Ubuntu Hub: Driving Climate Advocacy on Earth Day

As we mark another Earth Day, the urgency of addressing climate change has never been clearer. From rising temperatures to extreme weather events, the impacts of climate change are being felt around the world. In this pivotal moment, it is essential to harness the creativity and innovation of young people to drive climate advocacy and propel meaningful action. In this blog, we will explore the role of youth innovation and creativity at Ubuntu Hub in promoting climate advocacy, and how their fresh perspectives can inspire transformative change.

Young people possess a unique ability to think outside the box, challenge the status quo, and envision a better future. Their fresh creative perspectives, coupled with their proficiency in technology and social media, make them powerful agents of change in the fight against climate change. By harnessing their creativity and innovation through art, we can unlock new solutions to address the complex challenges posed by climate change and accelerate progress towards a more sustainable world.

Art has long been a powerful tool for raising awareness and inspiring action on social and environmental issues. Through visual arts, music, poetry, and other forms of creative expression, young artists at Ubuntu Hub are shining a spotlight on the impacts of climate change and calling for urgent action. Whether it is through powerful murals, thought-provoking poems, or stirring music performances, art can convey the urgency of the climate crisis in ways that resonate deeply with people of all ages.

Moreover, education is key to empowering young people to become effective advocates for climate action. By integrating climate ideologies, sustainability, and environmental justice into Ubuntu Hub programs, we equip youth with the knowledge, skills, and values they need to understand the complexities of climate change and engage in meaningful advocacy efforts. Hands-on learning experiences, training programs, and workshops, and youth-led initiatives are invaluable in nurturing the next generation of climate leaders.

As we celebrate Earth Day and reflect on the state of our planet, let us harness the power of youth innovation and creativity to drive climate advocacy and accelerate progress towards a sustainable future. By empowering young people to use their voices, talents, and ideas to advocate for climate action, we can inspire transformative change and build a more resilient world for generations to come. Together, let us stand with youth around the world and commit to taking bold and decisive action to address the climate crisis.

Happy Earth Day!

By Kutloano Ramotshela


Rising from Adversity: Karabo Seretsi’s Journey to Redemption and Success at Ubuntu Hub

“Arriving in the city of Johannesburg for the first time to attend an audition at Ubuntu Hub turned my life around.”

Meet Karabo Blake Seretsi, a 19-year-old from a small town in the North West province of South Africa. She grew up as an odd one out at home, school, and in the community, with a deep anxiety about talking or meeting people. Blake immersed herself in church activities, and spending time alone became her solace. This reclusive personality persisted until her parents convinced her to join sports at school, and she decided to be part of the hockey team, where she excelled and felt confidence in herself for the first time.

This newfound self-worth was shattered when her parents separated in 2020, and she had to move to the Gauteng Province with her mother, which also meant changing schools. This move coincided with the global lockdowns due to the COVID-19 pandemic. She only got to attend her new school for two months before staying at home. This led to a relapse in her childhood personality disorders, and she was ultimately diagnosed with manic depression and generalized anxiety, requiring admission to a psychiatric hospital.

As time passed, her journey to recovery began, and in 2023 she met a new friend who sent her a text inviting her to Johannesburg for an audition for the Leak fashion show at Ubuntu Hub. She arrived in Johannesburg for the first time. “I had never heard of Ubuntu Hub before, but when I arrived, I was warmly welcomed by friendly faces and voices. The Ubuntu Hub staff explained the project to the audition group, and I really felt at home, like I had found a home.”

After the auditions, she was invited to be part of the 100 Movement, an NGO modeling agency that harnesses the talents of young and aspiring models without charging a fee. Then, Ubuntu Hub hosted Make Something Week, where she volunteered to be an MC for the musical show “a dream I always had.”

During the Make Something Week musical show, a TV producer was part of the audience and spotted her amazing talent, offering her her first job as a TV presenter for a show called Lyrics Debunked. “Ubuntu Hub has become a safe space for me and has opened up opportunities that I never thought possible for me.”

Story provided by Ubuntu Hub, Johannesburg, South Africa


Reclaiming Our Future

A few youths climbed over a fence and pulled up a ladder. The sunbeams hit the blue sky, and the wind was still. One after another, they climbed onto a big oil truck and pulled out a large banner that read, “Oil and fossil fuel are killing current and future generations.”

Olga, a youth climate activist, began her engagement in the newly built movement called “Reclaim the Future.” The purpose behind the movement is to use peaceful civil disobedience and direct action to highlight the urgent triple planetary crisis. Reclaim the Future describes itself as a movement by young people, for young people—a radical community committed to taking care of each other and peacefully standing against the industries that threaten our chances for life: the fossil fuel industries.

The driving force behind Olga’s engagement, as she herself notes, is “Since the situation is so urgent, we need to use all possible tools to prevent a disaster, and I wanted to try to make as much difference as possible.” Reclaim the Future stands out from other climate youth movements in Sweden since we direct our actions primarily at the fossil fuel industry, but also because we have as a foundational pillar to take care of each other.

Many climate justice activists today risk burnout, and therefore, we need to take care not only of the earth but also ourselves. Olga has learned throughout the years that the fight for climate justice is not a short sprint but rather a long marathon—a commitment that requires both sustainability and community. We cannot burn ourselves at both ends as our politicians do by not acting while the earth is covered in flames. We need to rest simply to navigate this crisis, and no one should feel guilty about that—because when one person rests, there are others out there who can take over. Community is central to building resilience for us as a movement and individuals, and it is also a central part of building holistic well-being for all living things, including the earth.

Momentum in Stockholm has enabled us to create just that—a welcoming and safe space for our community to flourish. We have painted banners ahead of actions, made community meals, held workshops about climate justice and wellbeing, played board games, and simply rested. The most valuable contribution that Momentum has provided our movement with is the fact that it’s a space where our activism is not challenged or questioned; rather, it is encouraged and celebrated. 

Olga’s first impression when stepping into Momentum was, “This is a place that exists for us and exists here to support us.” Olga also said that if someone wants to become active, it is nice to have a safe space to introduce them to, like Momentum. You don’t have to do things yourself; there is a community of people welcoming you. We are stronger together, and we also have a lot of fun. Activism is about fighting a lot, but it’s also about enjoying and celebrating the small wins. The only way to keep doing this for as long as it’s needed is by surrounding yourself with people who support each other and are willing to think outside the frames of the current system. Momentum helps us envision another future, where we are not fighting a war against earth and humanity, but rather living in peace.

Hours often pass by when sitting upon the oil tanks, but once again, you are capable of doing that thanks to your community. The fight will need to go on, but we know that it will be worth it in the end. And after actions, we know that we can go back to Momentum, reload our batteries, and breathe out.

Story provided by Momentum, Stockholm, Sweden


My Path to Artistic Advocacy

My journey started when I was introduced to Ubunifu Hub by a friend through our youth group, “Hatua kwa Hatua”. Little did I know that it would become the guiding light for my journey. The passionate trainers at the hub opened my eyes to the critical issue of climate change advocacy, igniting a curiosity within me that I never knew existed.

As I delved into this new knowledge, I discovered a creative pathway that merged my passion for art with my newfound understanding of climate change. The resources available at the hub allowed me to evolve and enhance my artistic skills, propelling me to new heights of creativity and expression.

One of the pivotal moments in my journey was the opportunity to participate in the ‘I Hummingbird Effect’ campaign led by Tracy Makheti. I created a captivating puzzle art piece and an impactful painting. These works not only showcased my talent but also sparked positive conversations and dialogues on the pressing issue of climate change. Through the campaign, I gained the confidence to continue my journey as an artivist.

The impact of my art extended beyond local borders when I was given the opportunity to travel to Sweden for a youth exchange program. There, I not only gained invaluable knowledge but also shared my artistic gifts with fellow youth from other Planet One hubs, fostering growth in my career as a self-taught artist. Throughout this transformative journey, the team at Ubunifu Hub has been my unwavering support system, providing a nurturing space where creativity flourishes. Their guidance has not only shaped my artistic endeavors but has also empowered me to become a better advocate for change.

I want to express my deep gratitude to Ubunifu Hub for being my stepping stone to my purpose. Your dedication to teaching and advocacy has been instrumental in shaping my journey as an artistic SDG activist. Through your guidance, I have found my voice and passion for climate stories, and I have been able to network with like-minded individuals who have further impacted my life.

Denzel’s beautiful artworks

Your commitment to nurturing talent and giving support has inspired me to educate my community through edu murals that emphasize the importance of climate advocacy and mitigation. The skills and knowledge I have gained from you have empowered me to make a meaningful difference in the world around me.

Thank you for the profound impact you have had on my life. Your unwavering support, constructive feedback, and belief in my potential have helped me grow not only as an artist but as a person. Your mentorship has instilled in me a sense of confidence, creativity, and a lifelong love for learning.

Denzel’s beautiful artworks

I am truly grateful for the countless hours you have dedicated to teaching and guiding me. Your patience, kindness, and genuine care for your students have left an indelible mark on my heart. Thank you for being an exceptional teacher, a mentor, and a friend.

Today, I stand as a testament to the transformative power of art and advocacy, all thanks to the profound impact of patience, hope, and hard work.

Denzel Juma, Young Member, Ubunifu Hub, Nairobi, Kenya


Finding Community and Empowerment: My Journey with Bolygó

I have always been interested in environmental issues, but I’ve never had a community where I could freely share my thoughts, connect with people, brainstorm ideas and projects, and participate in initiatives.

During Covid, my motivation hit an all-time low. I felt stuck, and I even stopped trying to discuss green issues with the people around me.

In the summer of 2023, I met Bolygó at a festival, and after that, I started participating in some events. What I love about Bolygó is that I found a community where I don’t feel alone, where I feel inspired to think about new ideas and projects. Before, I always felt that unless I’m an expert in something, I can’t raise my voice, have a debate, or act upon a certain topic. At Bolygó, I found a community that welcomes different points of view, provides space to share thoughts and accept our differences, and I feel really empowered by that.

I joined the Bolygó Club training program to gain deeper knowledge and also participated in the youth exchange program organized by Planet One in Stockholm, which was truly an out-of-this-world experience. I felt that everyone had so much trust in me on these programs, which encouraged me to believe in myself and believe that I can take action.

During the exchange program, I got to know a Hungarian FFF member, and she told me a lot about their operation and the projects they do. I became really interested and decided to join them to organize an exhibition at Bolygó about how cities are so disconnected from nature. Since then, I’ve been actively involved in planning and realizing the project. I also got to know Mesi during the exchange program, and we’re organizing an art therapy workshop for climate anxiety together at Bolygó in April.

Lili Szabó, active Bolygó member & attendee, Budapest, Hungary